Learn more about Metis history, culture, and the Council of the First Metis People of Canada: www.FirstMetisPeople.ca 

Métis Author
K. D. Beckett


In Time Historical Saga:

Rainbows in Time

Mists of Time

Tides of Time

Paths in Time

In Time Contemporary Saga:

Secrets in Time

Legacy in Time

End of Time

The Moccasins

Les Mocassins

Lakota Trilogy:

Lakota Heart

Sacred Bond


       Lakota Trilogy: Canadian Historical Fiction

Coming soon / A venir

 Book 2: Lakota Trilogy

         Sacred Bond 

Fayth’s happiness reaches epic proportions as her family grows and prospers on their new territory, deep into the Canadian Rocky Mountains. During the summer gathering of allied Sioux tribes, she experiences Otaktay’s devotion in ways she had never imagined, but welcomes gratefully.

She never expected that Milton Hannesen’s alliance with the Fox Nation and his relentless thirst for revenge, would plunge the Sioux tribes in utter chaos, and lead them onto the warpath. Otaktay prepares his first-born son, Chaska, to become their next head chief, knowing that even a strong alliance may not be enough to save their people. The young Hän woman Chaska rescues from the American’s sadistic claws adds fuel to an already raging inferno.

Sadly, not even strong men like Otaktay are immune to losses that are almost insurmountable. Amidst the turmoil of the Klondike gold rush, logging, and railroad expansion through the Canadian west, only an alliance between the Sioux, the Siksika, and the Cree would defeat the Fox. However, the deep hatred Otaktay’s gorgeous warrior-daughter Wachiwi harbours for Quanah, a fearsome Cree war chief, risks derailing the peace treaty their nations are seeking. Wachiwi vows to never stop seeking revenge or forgive Quanah for capturing and crippling her.

As Chaska and Wachiwi become entangled in life and war’s twisted web, they discover that love, hatred, and forgiveness, are woven from the same fibre, and that not even death has the power to break a Sacred Bond.




Book 1: Lakota Trilogy



Book 1: Lakota Trilogy

Book 3: Lakota Heart


At the dawn of the 20th century, Chief Otaktay’s wild and untameable son, Čhetáŋ, forms a partnership with Andrew Couc Jr. Their adventures take Čhetáŋ into a non-Indigenous world he is not willing to settle into, but that draws him like a moth to the flame.

He finds himself bound to that world by a marriage he never wanted, to a much younger white woman, and by his obsession for a red-haired Calgary saloon beauty. Nicole is as wild as him but unwilling to live primitively in a Lakota camp deep in the Rockies.

As he accumulates conquests and wives, he becomes entangled in a ranchers’ war, and reveals a side of himself that his fellow Lakota warriors and his partner Andrew loathe. His father’s advice fall into deaf ears as impetuousness and insatiable lust leads Čhetáŋ onto a destructive path that causes insurmountable grief to those who love him, and brings him at death’s door.

Yet, it is only when his life is no longer his own, that he discovers how it takes losing someone to truly appreciate the value of such a rare gift. He learns that a man’s most important battles are not always fought on the warpath, against lifelong enemies, but in one’s heart against one’s own demons.


Book 1: Lakota Heart

      Lakota Heart      

In early spring 1874, Fayth Winslow is planning her upcoming wedding to a promising young financial genius at Fort Pembina. Her romantic soul dreams of King Arthur’s legend, of babies, and a happy ever after life, not of being captured by a raiding Lakota party and sold to a ruthless chief named Otaktay, (Many Kills).

Chief Otaktay is no knight in shining armour; no prince, not even a gentleman; he is a fierce warrior, whose sexual prowess is legendary among his people. He is the man who treats Fayth harshly upon discovering that she is a Shoshone once called Spotted Fawn. Nothing had prepared such a small woman for a life of slavery at the hands of a man much bigger and stronger than her. While he would not lay with a captive, his ruthlessness unleashes traumatic childhood memories, locked in the deepest recesses of Fayth’s mind since the soldiers’ attack at Bear River.

As the war between the Sioux and the American Army wreaks havoc among the People, Fayth understands that her survival will depend solely on her ability to serve the chief well during the tribe’s exodus from the Black Hills, across the Medicine Line, and onto Canadian soil. Her gentleness, virtue, and soft manners helps her regain her freedom, and she lets herself believe that her life may become a fairy tale. The arrival of Mina, a stunningly beautiful and passionate Lakota warrior, is only the beginning of the abysmal hardship that once again plagues Fayth’s life among the Lakota.

               Les Mocassins 
                    Un Roman historique dans une histoire contemporaine 

     Une pancarte « À VENDRE » sur la belle clôture élaborée en fer forgé d’une maison victorienne capte l’attention de Jade Gleason en se rendant à son travail. Le joyau architectural est tout l’opposé du bungalow à prix modique que la jeune femme recherche à Sault Ste. Marie, mais le mystère qui l’enveloppe est irrésistible.

     Le peuple algonquin qu’elle « rencontre » dans la maison à la suite d’une découverte inusitée l’entraîne sur un sentier aussi fascinant qu’alarmant à travers les siècles. Malheureusement, Jade se rend compte que Gabriel Ménard, un voyageur métis, et son épouse, Étoile-du-Matin, doivent eux aussi se battre pour élever leur famille dans la paix et la sécurité dans leur monde instable. Jade sent que ce qu’elle va vivre avec eux changera sa vie à tout jamais.

     Malgré tout, elle se sent seule. Recommencer à zéro dans un endroit inconnu n’est certainement pas nouveau pour elle, et elle est familière avec le sort des sans-abri. Elle se lie d’amitié avec Joe Larocque, un aîné ojibwé survivant des pensionnats indiens. Il accueille ses modestes offrandes de nourriture avec gratitude en échange de menus travaux chez elle.

     Contrairement à Joe, Caleb Hunter, le bel homme d’origine crie qui l’accompagne souvent, n’aime pas accepter la charité de Jade. Il ne lui est pas tout à fait hostile, mais elle détecte quelque chose de troublant chez lui. Lors d’un pow-wow traditionnel, toutefois, elle découvre un côté de Caleb qui ravive son désir de vivre une vie normale.

     Sans le vouloir, Caleb expose le secret de Jade et la propulse au cœur même du danger qu’elle avait fui, la forçant à devoir tout laisser derrière elle à nouveau. 

     Il doit bien y avoir un endroit sur terre où je pourrais vivre en paix et en sécurité, confie-t-elle à La Faille, sa tortue, et à Lucky, son hibou.

 Roman autochtone canadien

The Moccasins
A historical novel within a contemporary story

Something pulls strongly at Erin Gleason’s heart on her way to work, as she spots a For Sale sign on the gate of an old Victorian house. It’s a far cry from the reasonably priced bungalow she hoped to find in historic Sault Ste. Marie, but the mystery that shrouds the veranda-wrapped two-story home is simply too irresistible.

Settling in a new city is not new to Erin, nor is the plight of the homeless people on the streets. She befriends Joe Larocque, an Ojibwa Elder and survivor of the Indian Residential School System, who welcomes her modest food offerings gratefully in exchange for yard work.

Erin also seeks refuge from her unbearable loneliness among the Algonquin people she meets in the old house’s attic. Métis Voyageur Gabriel Menard, and Blue Star, his beloved Algonquin wife, pull her into their lives from across the centuries. Unfortunately, she soon realizes that they, too, struggle to find peace and safety in their volatile world. What Erin lives with them shocks her to her very core, and changes her life forever.

Caleb Hunter, the handsome Cree man who often sits with Joe, resents taking charity from her. While he is not overtly hostile, Erin senses something unsettling about him. Then she discovers a side of him that triggers dreams of the safe and normal life she craves.

Caleb’s actions, however, propel Erin into the very danger she escaped, forcing her to leave everything behind again. She will have to start anew, as far away from her tormentors as she can get, without fulfilling her quest.


In Time Saga
Rainbows in the Mists raise Tides and carve Paths, as Secrets unravel our Legacy into the End of Time.
Click on the titles at top of the page to read the summaries 

Book  1 to 4
Join the thousands of "In Time" readers who have embarked on a captivating journey filled with thrills, adventure,
comedy, drama,  and of course romance, from the 21st century into the 18th century. 
Meet Lee Ann Wandering Spirit  Grayhawk, a Métis -Ojibwa Search & Rescue  expert, whose shaman ancestors
take through a rainbow from 2010 Mattawa, Ontario, to the man she is partly named after:  Michael Lee Ómahkapi’si  Blackwell, a Scot-Blackfoot War Chief/Fur Trader - in 1793 Athabasca, Alberta.

Join them on their epic trek into Canada's Rocky Mountains.  Live the extraordinary circumstances that entwine their lives with Lee Ann's grandfather, Ben Grayhawk, a hardy Métis Voyageur,  whose brush with death triggered an irreversible chain of events; with Métis-Algonquin Julien Montour, an intrepid Voyageur from Trois-Rivieres; and elite Siksika warrior, Head Chief White Eagle.  

With them, form alliances with the Blackfoot Confederacy and the North West Company, against the Hudson Bay Company.  
Join your efforts to theirs in their wars against the Coyote's Red Crow and Snake, the hated whiskey pedlars, the illegal trappers, and the invaders.  Paddle the rivers from the Rockies to Montreal with Lee Ann and Michael's family, then sail on a NWC packet ship to Scotland's Highlands,  where one of their son's destiny lies. Live a breathtaking adventure with the Blackwell, Montour, and White Eagle clans,  as they strive to preserve a way of life and leave their legacy In Time, for their numerous descendants across Turtle Island.

Book 5 to 7
In 2010, the year Lee Ann Grayhawk left Mattawa, meet her
and Michael's direct descendants:
Alexander Nitoh Mahkwhi Blackwell  ~  Police Officer,
nan Kiaayo-Okosis Wilkie  ~  Firefighter,
and Liam Kiaayo-Okosis  Blackwell  ~  Highlander,
and the beautiful Montour triplets, Melinda, Regine, and Tiffamy,
who will take you on more breathtaking adventures, living up to their ancestors' high spirit
and determination to preserve their heritage.   As they learn of Lee Ann and Benjamin's true origin,
and meet Alicia Grayhawk, share their struggle through chaotic times, in the face of overwhelming
challenges triggered by human greed and Mother Earth.  With them, unravel their intrepid ancestors'
Secrets to preserve their Legacy to the End of Time
Click here to view the "In Time" Saga Slide Show


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Each book :  Superior quality ~ Size: 6" x 9" ~ easy to read print on white smooth paper
Laminated and smudge proof cover - Page range: 352 to 400 pages.

Chaque livre: qualité supérieure ~  6" x 9" ~ texte facile à lire sur papier blanc soyeux
Couverture laminée à l'épreuve des taches - Volume: 352 to 400 pages.

Also available through Scholastic
Cristopher Kientz and K.D. Beckett





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